Daniel:  The Key to Prophetic Revelation
Daniel:  The Key to Prophetic Revelation

Daniel: The Key to Prophetic Revelation

by John F. Walvoord

4.5 Rank Score: 4.64 from 2 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 5 user libraries
Pages 320 pages
Publisher Moody
Published 5/8/1989
ISBN-13 9780802417534


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Philip Wood Philip Wood July 27, 2010
Great commentary on Daniel. Futurist interpretation, but Walvoord touches on other viewpoints. It is a smaller commentary, and does not go in great depth on every issue. It is perfect though for a pastors library, easy to read, and makes its case well.
Jonathan C. Jonathan C. September 13, 2008
Walvoord does an excellent job dealing with the text and the major issues in it. When there is a significant issue ("Seventy Weeks") he outlines the different views and then does an excellent job defending his own view. Great commentary!