

in Concordia Commentary

by Adolph L. Harstad

5 Rank Score: 5.08 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 3 user libraries
Pages 944 pages
Publisher Concordia Publishing House
Published 2005
ISBN-13 9780570063193


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Warren Truesdale Warren Truesdale September 15, 2017
This work is gigantic, weighing in at over 900 pages, but it’s excellent. The series summarizes its position on Scripture by stating, “The commentary fully affirms the divine inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of Scripture as it emphasizes ‘that which promotes Christ’ in each pericope.” It is written within the conservative Lutheran tradition (one that I’m fond of because I grew up in it!) and as expected many of Harstad’s interpretive decisions are conservative. A huge plus of this commentary series is the layout. Every pericope is written in English and then written in Hebrew. Each Hebrew phrase is broken down grammatically... [Full Review]