Ezekiel 1–20
Ezekiel 1–20

Ezekiel 1–20

in Concordia Commentary

by Horace D. Hummel

Rank Score: 4.04 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Pages 614 pages
Publisher Concordia Publishing House
Published 11/30/2005
ISBN-13 9780758603159
Ezekiel contains some of Scripture’s most mysterious visions and oracles. The Lord gave this priestly prophet a powerful message of Law and Gospel. The searing indictment of God’s unfaithful people for their idolatry warns of impending judgment. Ezekiel sees a vision of God’s glory, which departs from the temple in preparation for its destruction. Yet God also promises to be a sanctuary for his repentant people during their exile, and to restore them, together with Gentiles who will be brought to saving faith. This book explains the first 20 chapters in light of its fulfillment in Christ for the benefit of the church.


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