Handbook on the Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the Minor Prophets
512 pages
Baker Academic
The prophetic books of the Bible contain some of the most difficult passages in the entire Old Testament and can prove especially confusing for those new to this corpus. Handbook on the Prophets offers a thorough and insightful introduction for the beginning student of the Old Testament prophetic literature. Robert Chisholm guides students through the important and often complex writings of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the Minor Prophets. Rather than attempting to provide a detailed verse-by-verse commentary, the handbook focuses on the prevailing themes and central messages of the prophetic books.
Chisholm begins each chapter with a brief analysis of the social and historical setting of the book under discussion. As he works through each of the writings, Chisholm describes the structure, content, and important concepts found therein. Without becoming mired in overly technical issues or academic jargon, Chisholm considers critical issues whenever they are important for the interpretation of a particular passage. In general, however, he focuses more broadly on the theological themes that characterize the work as a whole. In each case, he considers how the message of the prophets would have been heard in their respective historical communities and the prophets' continuing importance for contemporary study.
In addition to those who are new to the prophets, seminarians and students of advanced biblical studies will find this volume enlightening and helpful as they forge their way through the prophetic books. Handbook on the Prophets will also be a valuable resource for pastors and teachers to refer to in their teaching and exposition of this portion of Scripture. The value of the handbook is further enhanced by the extensive bibliographies that are provided for continued study.
In this third installment in a series of handbooks from Baker (following Hamilton s Pentateuch and Historical Books), Robert Chisholm provides a running commentary on the text of the Old Testament prophetic books. This volume targets students taking introductory courses on the prophets as well as pastors and laypersons engaged in serious Bible study (10), rather than profe ssional scholars and advanced students. The book is divided into five main sections: Isaiah, Jeremiah and Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, and Minor Prophets. The format of each treatment is simple. First is a short introduction providing an orientation to the historical context of the prophet and an overview of the larger literary sections in the book. This is followed by commentary on the smaller literary units, offering historical, literary, and theological comments for the reader. Chisholm s handbook is an excellent contributi on to this series. He has provided an accessible commentary that offers an overview of the message of the biblical text with a sensitivity to the historical context of the prophet. Although his focus is on the beginning student, Chisholm does engage a variety of secondary literature in the footnotes, affording an opportunity for the reader to follow certain lines of argument in the scholarly literature. He also highlights serious textual issues in the footnotes and at times in the text of the commentary itself.
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