Roman Catholic


in Sacra Pagina

by Frank J. Matera

4 Rank Score: 4.26 from 2 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Pages 263 pages
Publisher Michael Glazier Books
Published 4/1/2007
ISBN-13 9780814659724


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Philibuster Philibuster March 20, 2013
Decent overview of the letter to the Galatians. Matera's commentary is mediocre. It gives a good description of the new perspective on Paul, but then fails to follow through on all the implications of this approach, as do writers like Hays or Dunn. The rest of the commentary is well-written, but doesn't really add much to the general discussion on Galatians. Matera does have a slightly unique standpoint in his fairly thoroughgoing rejection of mirror-reading in the letter, preferring instead to find a rhetorical model to fit Paul's comments into. A good read for someone entering into Galatians, but will not become a groundbreaking commentary regarding Galatians.