

in Abingdon New Testament Commentaries

by Leonard L. Thompson

5 Rank Score: 5.2 from 1 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 207 pages
Publisher Abingdon Press
Published 10/1/1998
ISBN-13 9780687056798
In this lucid exposition, an acclaimed interpreter shows that the book of Revelation is to be read as a unified work of religious poetry aimed at extricating Christians from Roman society, in which they were living quietly and peacefully. Thompson considers connections between John’s negative view of society and his social location as a wandering prophet, compares his visionary experience with that of other prophets and seers, especially in Judaism, notes similarities between the depictions of Christ and Satan in Revelation and portraits of heroes and demons in other writings of the time, and emphasizes that John’s vision of heaven and the future were intended to infuse everyday Christian life with confidence in the goodness and ultimate triumph of God.


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