Leviticus: A Mentor Commentary
Leviticus: A Mentor Commentary

Leviticus: A Mentor Commentary

in Mentor Commentaries

by Robert Vasholz

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 380
Publisher Mentor
Published 9/1/2007
ISBN-13 9781845500443
Leviticus received its English title from the Greek Levitikon, which means pertaining to the Levites. Probably, Jewish scribes who called Leviticus the Priests Manual influenced the title in the Tannaitic Period (200 B.C. 200 A.D.). While the title is appropriate for certain sections it fails to point out that most of the book is directed to all of the people of Israel. The priesthood of Israel was not meant to be a secret society with mysterious practices known only to them.Sadly, it appears, the Book of Leviticus has been retired to a secondary status in the Church today. Christians have largely relegated the punctilious details about such things as sacrifices and purity laws to a bygone era. There is, of course, some good reason for that. While rabbinic commentary teaches that this is the first book of Scripture that children should learn (aged 5), modern readers often view Leviticus as tedious and dull. Reading Leviticus was in the words of a third century church scholar, like having to eat unfit food.The practices in Leviticus may seem distant and mysterious to the modern western world yet there are fundamental elements in the Book of Leviticus that are both universal and relevant to the contemporary scene. What Christian would say that love your neighbor as yourself, the second greatest commandment, should be relegated to the past? Here, one of the most oft cited verses in the New Testament is a command that appears first in the Book of Leviticus. But it doesnt stop there. Hebrews particularly expounds on Leviticus; it is close to impossible to comprehend parts of Hebrews without reference to Leviticus. This can be said with regard to passages in the Gospels as well.


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