Isaiah III/1: Chapters 40–48
Isaiah III/1: Chapters 40–48

Isaiah III/1: Chapters 40–48

in Historical Commentary on the Old Testament

by J. L. Koole

Rank Score: 4.12 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 611 pages
Publisher Peeters
Published 1/1/1997
ISBN-13 9789039001738
The present volume is a translation of Jan Leunis Koole’s commentary on Isaiah 40-48, published in 1985 in the Dutch Series Commentaar op het Oude Testament. For this translation the Dutch text was checked through and the bibliographical material brought up to date. The introduction dates from 1995 and was added by Koole to his commentary on Isaiah 56-66 as an introduction to Isaiah 40-66.


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