Ezra and Nehemiah
Ezra and Nehemiah
Non-Western or BIPOC

Ezra and Nehemiah

in Asia Bible Commentary

by Joseph Too Shao and Rosa Ching Shao

4.8 Rank Score: 5.32 from 1 reviews, 4 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 238
Publisher Asia Theological Association
Published 6/30/2019
ISBN-13 9781783681556
The books of Ezra and Nehemiah illustrate how leaders of God’s people confronted the challenges facing the Jews during the post-exilic period of Israel. Zerubbabel inspires the people of God to rebuild the temple; Ezra leads them in renewing their faith in God; and Nehemiah rebuilds the wall and, importantly, the people as well. The examples in these books, of leading through challenges and opposition by trusting the Lord and committing to prayer, testify to how God’s gracious hand guides and blesses his people at each step. The careful exposition of these two books provides a valuable model for us to balance prayer and action with contextual application, and how the full obedience of leaders can lead to communities being transformed.


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In this commentary Joseph Too Shao and Rosa Ching Shao interweave robust theological reflection on the text with contextual comments from Asian contexts. [Full Review]