Psalms 51–100
Thomas Nelson
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- First Commentary Set by Brian LeStourgeon
- Ultimate Commentary Collection: OT Technical by John Glynn
- Favorite Advanced OT Commentaries by Jeremy Pierce (parableman)
- Essential OT Commentaries for a Preacher's Library by Derek W. H. Thomas
- Old Testament Advanced Commentaries by Moore Theological College Journal: Societas
- Basic Library Booklist by Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
This appears to be a classic case of a multi-volume set displaying uneven quality. Craigie’s volume is said to be the strongest and had he written the others this would probably be a top recommendation. (Unfortunately he died after the publication of volume 1.) Allen’s is regarded by most as the next strongest of the three. All of them are rather technical, making them a better choice for pastor or scholar than a general reader.
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The WBC on Psalms is in three volumes. Volume 2 on Psalms 51-100 is by Marvin Tate. It starts with a strong text-critical section and concludes with a summary of the basic meaning, with detailed commentary on each verse in between. There's some contemporary significance in the last section. The original versions had much less of that, but the revised version has a lot more. One distracting feature of some Psalms commentaries is over-speculation about which ritual settings each psalm might have originated in, and the WBC volumes focus more on what scholars can say with some confidence. Tate is probably the least theological of the three WBC authors on Psalms.
This is one of the few recent, complete, in-depth commentaries on this book. The longest book in the Bible doesn't draw many full-length commentaries very often. Tate stands within the evangelical tradition, somewhat broadly construed. He takes views that I'm not willing to endorse in terms of historicity (though I'm not sure I'd deny most of those statements either), but he's more conservative than you'll find in any other recent academic commentary on the Psalms (unless you count VanGemeren's EBC revision).
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Not my favorite commentaries, but these WBC volumes are generally conservative commentaries that seriously engage the history, theology, and scholarship of the Psalms. Wilcock (BST, 2001, 2 vols.) is interesting for canonical considerations but is not technical enough for my concerns.
An Evangelical focus on review of scholarship, exegesis and word studies, and the relation of psalms to one another.
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