

in Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

by R. Alan Cole

3.75 Rank Score: 4.15 from 2 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 14 user libraries
Pages 249
Publisher IVP Academic
Published 3/30/2008
ISBN-13 9780830842025

Affirming the divine inspiration, essential trustworthiness and practical relevance of Scripture, this widely respected series of commentaries provides students of the Bible with a thorough and judicious coverage of each book in the Old Testament. Each volume presents an introduction to the major critical questions and themes of the Old Testament book under consideration, followed by a concise, passage-by-passage interpretation.

Throughout 2008 the Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, long available from InterVarsity Press, will be released in an updated format with a new trim size and retypeset text. We anticipate the release of the full new set to be in February of 2009.


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bigcat bigcat July 29, 2019
The Tyndale Commentary series is known as a work that is rarely less than solid, conservative and aimed at the Sunday School teacher or the layman looking to learn more about the Holy Scripture. This volume fulfills all these requirements. The verse by verse commentary is that of an able Bible teacher in a workman like effort. It doesn't have the raw inspiration of some commentaries, but it certainly will teach and won't lead you astray. One frustration is the seemingly constant suggestions to read other commentaries for more on a particular idea or theme. To be fair, this might be helpful to a student in a library with dozens of other commentaries on Exodus. To someone who bought the Tyndale series because he didn't have a multitude of other commentaries, it can become annoying. The introduction is solid and worth reading, but what really stands out to a Christian who is more learning than learned is The Theology of Exodus. This fairly lengthy section feels both inspired and inspiring as Doctor Cole seems to cover the entirety of biblical thought from themes in the book of Exodus. If you have access to this volume, read this section even if you don't plan on using the rest of the work.