

in Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

by Derek Kidner

4.06 Rank Score: 5.24 from 8 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 22 user libraries
Pages 236
Publisher InterVarsity Press
Published 1/1/2008
ISBN-13 9780830842018


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Though somewhat dated, Kidner’s commentary offers an excellent and concise explanation of the text with a redemptive focus. He fearlessly tackles the major issues raised by the book including how the Genesis account of creation squares with modern science. [Full Review]
bigcat bigcat July 26, 2019
This review comes from the viewpoint of a novice who is beginning to teach Sunday school. From what I understand this entire series is aimed at someone about my level and I'm thankful for it and the often low price that puts it in reach. The first volume seems to meet the needs of the layman well with solid information and some inspirational ideas that might be helpful. If you think of this book like the four parts of Genesis plus one for the introduction it is easier to 'grade'. The intro is very helpful whether thinking of the JEDP theory, the relation of Genesis 1 and science or looking forward to The Christ through the concepts of Genesis. The commentary on pre-history continues this trend. Sadly it all comes crashing down with a perfunctory and dull look at Abraham's life, but then rebounds for solid Jacob commentary. The final section on the Joseph story might be the high point of the volume as it recaptures or exceeds the level of the early part of the volume.
G Ware G Ware April 24, 2018
Way too skimpy for my liking, even for an intro level commentary. There's just not much to it. I actually gave my copy away because it wasn't really useful.
Tim Challies Tim Challies July 29, 2017
Kidner’s work, like his other volumes in the TOTC series, is far shorter than the other recommendations. This, along with his conversational style, make it eminently readable. The short format necessitates great concision which can be both a help and a disappointment; the preacher will definitely need to supplement with more thorough volumes. Still, this makes an excellent commentary to begin with and an excellent choice for those looking to bypass some of the scholarly works. Nearly every scholar gives it his recommendation. [Full Review]
Derek Kidner's TOTC is getting very out-of-date now, but Kidner is so good that I had to mention it. This is a pretty brief volume, even by the Tyndale series' standards, but Kidner is a master of working a lot of excellent reflection into a compressed space. In some ways he's both more imaginative and more careful than most of the more detailed commentaries you'll find in this list. [Full Review]
An elegant interpretation of the book. Evangelical. [Full Review]