The Gospel according to Luke
The Gospel according to Luke

The Gospel according to Luke

in Pillar New Testament Commentary

by James R. Edwards

5 Rank Score: 5.64 from 4 reviews, 3 featured collections, and 9 user libraries
Pages 859
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 5/5/2015
ISBN-13 9780802837356
In keeping with the Pillar New Testament Commentary's distinctive character, this volume by James R. Edwards on Luke gives special attention to the Third Gospel's vocabulary and historical setting, its narrative purpose and unique themes, and its theological significance for the church and believers today.

Though Luke is often thought to have a primarily Gentile focus, Edwards counterbalances that perspective by citing numerous evidences of Luke's overarching interest in depicting Jesus as the fulfillment of God's providential work in the history of Israel, and he even considers the possibility that Luke himself was a Jew. In several excursuses Edwards discusses particular topics, including Luke's infancy narratives, the mission of Jesus as the way of salvation, and Luke's depiction of the universal scope of the gospel.

While fully conversant with all the latest scholarship, Edwards writes in a lively, fluent style that will commend this commentary to ministers, students, scholars, and many other serious Bible readers.


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Edwards focuses on the historical setting, narrative purpose and themes, and theological significance of the book. This commentary is a informed, stimulating, and sensible exegesis of the text that highlights how Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s saving purposes in the history of Israel. Tabb says it’s “eminently readable and consistently insightful and highly recommended for all students of Luke’s Gospel.” [Full Review]
BrandonSCorley BrandonSCorley July 4, 2022
Extremely underrated commentary on Luke. I would for sure put this one above Marshall's commentary, and might even put it in the top 2 overall along with Bock. Essential to have for anyone trying to discover the meaning of Luke's gospel.
Warren Truesdale Warren Truesdale March 31, 2019
Edwards has written an engaging and learned exposition of Luke’s Gospel. Edwards introduces the Gospel saying, “Luke’s Gospel is not a testimony of his ideas, or even of his faith. It narrates events that have been brought to completion among us, i.e., the concrete and saving acts of God that have been fulfilled in Jesus Christ. The gospel is not a noble moral proclamation, nor can it be reduced to a set of abstract teachings and truths. It is not something that Luke or any witness can take credit for…[it’s] a history of what God has done, to which the proper human responses are belief and proclamation.” (41) Edwards is strongest in following the narrative development of Luke and discussing literary features within the narrative. [Full Review]
Mark Eschle Mark Eschle April 20, 2017
A great addition to the Pillar series. A fine and well written commentary on the Gospel of Luke.