

in Hendriksen & Kistemaker

by William Hendriksen

4.63 Rank Score: 5.23 from 4 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 22 user libraries
Publisher Baker Academic
Published 6/1/1981
ISBN-13 9780801040665


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Hendrik Hendrik May 8, 2017
Recently used Hendriksen for a sermon about Matthew 3. It was the most helpful commentary I consulted. Very insightful with true reformed theology.
dr. tom dr. tom July 19, 2009
I would suggest that every preacher consider purchasing the Hendriksen/Kistemaker New Testament set. It is affordable and extremely beneficial. It isn't highly technical, but gets deep enough. Keep in mind that this comes from a Reformed background. This commentary on Matthew is the second best of the series (behind Luke). Whenever, I found deficiencies in Keener or Wilkins, I found that Hendriksen picked up the slack. The three compliment each other very well. This series helps preachers to personalize the message of the New Testament.
Jim Rosscup Jim Rosscup September 20, 2008