2 Corinthians
2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians

in Word Biblical Commentary

by Ralph P. Martin

4.92 Rank Score: 5.9 from 4 reviews, 4 featured collections, and 13 user libraries
Pages 592
Publisher Thomas Nelson
Published 1/1/1986
ISBN-13 9780849902390


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G Ware G Ware September 20, 2018
Reliable technical commentary.
Robert M. Bowman Jr. Robert M. Bowman Jr. December 11, 2016
Standard academic commentary on 2 Corinthians by a renowned neo-evangelical Pauline scholar. [Full Review]
Phillip J. Long Phillip J. Long June 7, 2012
This is something of a classic commentary on the letter and one of the better WBC volumes. Word commentaries excel in giving bibliographies at the beginning of sections, Martin’s commentary provides complete bibliographies on exegetical problems (literature on composition issues other than commentaries, for example, or the section on Paul’s vision in 12:1-10). These are complete through the early 1980s and include German and French articles as well as English. The actual commentary follows the format of the series, giving a bibliography for the section followed by textual notes, form/structure, and then the actual commentary. Martin’s brief “explanations” after the commentary draw out implications of the text for a larger Pauline theology. [Full Review]