2 Chronicles
2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles

in Word Biblical Commentary

by Raymond B. Dillard

4.8 Rank Score: 6.82 from 10 reviews, 7 featured collections, and 20 user libraries
Pages 330
Publisher Thomas Nelson
Published 1/1/1987
ISBN-13 9780849902147


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Dillard is one of my favorite commentaries, but Braun is also quite good. They take the historical aspects of Chronicles seriously and nicely explain the interpretive differences between Samuel-Kings and Chronicles. [Full Review]
John Glynn John Glynn September 20, 2008
Derek W. H. Thomas Derek W. H. Thomas September 19, 2008
Masterful exegesis. His interaction with Samuel-Kings and Chronicles is thorough; however, you may be left wanting for application of the text.
Although they are on the more technical side, the commentaries by Braun and Dillard in the Word Biblical Commentary series are indispensable for serious study of the text. Each also offers helpful theological insight, sometimes missing from technical commentaries. The layout of the Word Biblical Commentaries can take some getting used to, but in the case of these two works, it is worth the effort. [Full Review]
Similar to Braun for 1 Chronicles, with appreciation of Williamson's work in several cases. [Full Review]
Unnatributed-d Unnatributed-d May 26, 2008