Thomas Nelson
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Best Exegetical Commentaries by Jim Rosscup
This is the most technical commentary on the list. Each section has its own translation, notes on the text (word studies, grammar, syntax, and textual criticism), form/structure discussion, commentary, and explanation of the text. The notes on the text are particularly helpful for those who are studying the Hebrew text. The form/structure section can sometimes be helpful when Durham focuses on the narrative flow of the story, but when he gets into the discussion of source criticism it seems that Durham is too confident in what is mostly conjecture...
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A very good technical commentary. The introduction is very strong, framing the themes, theology, structure, and history of the text. The commentary itself is meticulous, reliable, and focused both on the technical aspect, but still offers a relevant, applicable exposition of the text.
I thoroughly enjoyed using this commentary in an Exodus class I took. I found it to be well written and easy to follow without sacrificing any depth of scholarship. It dealt well with all the technical details of the Hebrew text, and wrestled with others' interpretations in a succinct, helpful manner. I used hand in hand with Cole, Freitheim, and Stuart. It was my favorite of the four Exodus commentaries.
I read this cover to cover along with Fretheim's Interpretation commentary. This was great in answering the more technical questions. Simply a solid commentary in the WBC series.
Follows the method of Childs.
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