

in The Preacher's Commentary

by David Allan Hubbard

4.5 Rank Score: 5.28 from 5 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 9 user libraries
Publisher Thomas Nelson
Published 3/1/2002
ISBN-13 9780785247890


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Tim Challies Tim Challies October 28, 2013
To some degree, all other commentaries are considered supplementary to Walke’s set, so when it comes to Hubbard, Keith Mathison says, “Those who are preaching or teaching through Proverbs will want to supplement Waltke’s work with a commentary that reflects on various issues related to application. Hubbard’s work is the best place to turn for this. While not as comprehensive as Waltke, Hubbard does not neglect addressing the difficult questions, all the while remaining clear and readable.” [Full Review]
Those who are preaching or teaching through Proverbs will want to supplement Waltke's work with a commentary that reflects on various issues related to application. Hubbard's work is the best place to turn for this. While not as comprehensive as Waltke, Hubbard does not neglect addressing the difficult questions, all the while remaining clear and readable. [Full Review]
Derek W. H. Thomas Derek W. H. Thomas September 19, 2008
Evangelical exposition and application. [Full Review]