

in Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

by Joyce G. Baldwin

4.67 Rank Score: 6.33 from 9 reviews, 6 featured collections, and 24 user libraries
Pages 210
Publisher InterVarsity Press
Published 1/1/1981
ISBN-13 9780877842736


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bigcat bigcat June 2, 2020
Reading Dr. Baldwin is one of the pleasures of the Tyndale series. Here she does a fine job of setting the time and place of Daniel. Her thoughts on an older work versus a second-century date are solid and, since I tend to be conservative, appreciated. She interacts with other opinions without getting bogged down or overly complex for the introductory reader. While the book of Daniel is arguably the more exciting of the prophets, the commentary does hold your attention and gets its points across better than most of the other Tyndale books on the prophets which can be a touch uneven. A joy to read from cover to cover.
BRathbun BRathbun December 10, 2019
Excellent commentary! Had a gift of bringing the historical background to life, much done through the lengthy introduction(60 pgs). What she does here and in the commentary really illuminates each unit while not making too many interpretive assertions, making room for the reader to make some conjecture. She challenges throughout other scholarly assertions of second century authorship as well as claims of historical inaccuracies. Very helpful and enjoyable read indeed. I did find her reading of chapter 5 a bit out of character. The view that Belshazzar saw something through an open steward's door while they were drunk and partying doesn't seem in tune with the straightforward reading of the text. Her theory does seem plausible, but highly unlikely and subjective. As a plus, like I said, it seems out of her character in which she upholds the supernatural and refutes those who want to turn those passages into allegory, i.e. the 3 in the furnace.
John Glynn John Glynn September 20, 2008
Brian LeStourgeon Brian LeStourgeon July 29, 2008
Conservative scholarship, amillennial. Insightful and erudite, if dated. Miller (NAC, 1994) is a dispensational choice, but Baldwin is stronger in most areas. Goldingay (WBC, 1989) is more critical.
Helpful with attention to background, textual, and theological issues. Evangelical. [Full Review]
Unnatributed-d Unnatributed-d May 26, 2008