in Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries
Psalms 1–72
InterVarsity Press
Psalms 73–150
InterVarsity Press
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- John Piper's OT Commentary Recommendations by John Piper (Desiring God)
- Essential OT Commentaries for a Preacher's Library by Derek W. H. Thomas
- Building an OT Commentary Library by Invitation to Biblical Interpretation (Kostenberger & Patterson)
- TGC: Introductory Commentaries by The Gospel Coalition
Derek Kidner writes brilliantly. He expresses succinctly—in lightning struck words—his profound reflections on the text. His comments are judicious and within orthodox theology. Moreover, he thinks canonically, Christianly, and thus applicably for the Christian life.
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For me personally, disappointing given the ratings and Kidner's reputation. Check out David M. Williams for a "soulful blast of wonderful!!!"
This is by no means the most thorough book on the Psalms. However, Kidner manages always to get to the heart of each psalm and point the reader toward Christ. I used this book for devotional reading and found it perfectly suited to that purpose. Although I'm not sure I agree with his handling of the imprecatory psalms, I believe he argues his case well enough to be given a hearing.
I read these books some time ago around the time of a surgery so I'm going off memory. Dr. Kidner is a fine writer and gives concise comments on the Psalms. He clearly has a great understanding of Old Testament wisdom literature and can communicate his knowledge well. I like that you feel you have learned something about the overall book and the individual Pslams that can vary widely in age and author. I enjoyed the second book more than the first, but this was likely the subject matter. I'm fortunate not to have enemies and I struggled with some of David's works of cursing. Even in these less than engaging poems, the author was useful in explaining the times they were written and how the New Covenant changed our attitudes.
Kidern's two-volume commentary on the Psalms has by now become a classic. So even though you will not find the most up-to-date biblical scholarship here, you will nevertheless find timeless insight and wisdom. Kidner is a skilled, concise writer who manages to say much in a little space. I would heartily recommend these volumes to anyone wanting to better appreciate the Psalms.
A commentator that does not merely repeat in words what the text already says. Short paragraphs going directly to the point. Does not lose his writing space trying to contradict others commentators. The result is a short, understandable, interesting and relevant commentary!
Kidner is a wonderful commentator who has penned volumes on many books of the Bible. The TOTC is an excellent choice for those looking for something that is introductory-level. Though the volumes are brief, Longman points out “This is compensated for by Kidner’s ability to write concisely. Thus in spite of its brevity, this commentary is highly recommended for its theological insight and practical bent.”
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Kidner's two volumes are densely packed with solid exegesis, with careful attention to the Hebrew words. Kidner is theologically acute, and his musical background leads him to explore musical elements of the psalms that many commentators ignore. Language and form are among his strong suits. A more recent commentary is probably worth having, however, and the amount of space alotted to Kidner is much less than either VanGemeren or Wilson, so this would not be a first choice for me. It's cheap enough that it's a nice supplement, and I look at it as often as I look at VanGemeren, but if I had to choose I'd choose a more recent one with more space.
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Kidner's commentaries are always worth reading, and for those looking for a basic introductory level commentary on the Psalms, this is a great place to start. The comments are clear and very concise, but always reflect the extensive learning and insight of the author. With commentaries, it is generally best to choose them on a book by book basis. Most sets are a very mixed bag. The Tyndale set is one of the very few I would suggest as a whole. It is very consistent, and Kidner's contributions are one reason for this.
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An Evangelical musical artist and theological exegete brings the psalms to life.
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