The Books of Haggai and Malachi
The Books of Haggai and Malachi

The Books of Haggai and Malachi

in New International Commentary on the Old Testament

by Pieter A. Verhoef

4.85 Rank Score: 6.97 from 15 reviews, 5 featured collections, and 18 user libraries
Pages 384
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 1/1/1987
ISBN-13 9780802825339


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Verhoef's commentary on Malachi in the NICOT series is somewhat more technical than most of the NICOT commentaries, but it is less technical than Stuart's, mentioned above. It remains accessible to the non-specialist. For those who lack a knowledge of Hebrew, and are seeking a thorough commentary on Malachi, this volume is highly recommended. [Full Review]
Verhoef's commentary on Haggai in the NICOT series is somewhat more technical than most of the NICOT commentaries, but it is less technical than Motyer's, mentioned above. It remains accessible to the non-specialist. For those who lack a knowledge of Hebrew, and are seeking a thorough commentary on Haggai, this volume is highly recommended. [Full Review]
John Glynn John Glynn September 20, 2008
Jim Rosscup Jim Rosscup September 20, 2008
Jim Rosscup Jim Rosscup September 20, 2008
Exposition with an eye to theological implications. Evangelical [Full Review]
Exposition with an eye to theological implications. Evangelical. [Full Review]