The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah
in New International Commentary on the Old Testament
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Best Exegetical Commentaries by Jim Rosscup
- Ultimate Commentary Collection: OT Technical by John Glynn
- Essential OT Commentaries for a Preacher's Library by Derek W. H. Thomas
- Basic Library Booklist by Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
- Building an OT Commentary Library by Invitation to Biblical Interpretation (Kostenberger & Patterson)
- TGC: Scholarly Commentaries by The Gospel Coalition
Fensham’s commentary is slightly more readable than Williams, which is especially helpful for students.
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More pastor-friendly than Williamson and Blenkinsopp, with less discussion of text criticism and historical criticism. Still provides enough depth to feel sufficient. Could maybe use some revision to engage with some commentaries which have been published since.
Most commentators on the commentaries rate this as the best volume on Ezra and Nehemiah. Fensham takes the traditional approach to the books’ dating, authorship and other elements. His strength is apparently in his emphasis on history and culture. Jim Rosscup says this commentary is “an evangelical effort knowledgeably rich in exegesis with a firm grasp of Hebrew, matters of introduction, and solid explanation of many of the verses.”
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A serious commentary; takes a traditional approach to dating, theology, etc.
Ezra and Nehemiah are challenging books for contemporary readers. The best commentaries for those seeking to understand these books are the commentaries by Fensham and Williamson [WBC]. I find Fensham's work somewhat more helpful simply because the NICOT format is much more reader friendly.
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Evangelical focus on the historical and archaeological background.
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