The Epistles of John
The Epistles of John

The Epistles of John

in New International Commentary on the New Testament

by I. Howard Marshall

4.64 Rank Score: 6.76 from 12 reviews, 7 featured collections, and 27 user libraries
Pages 291
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 1/1/1978
ISBN-13 9780802825186


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An older and solid commentary. Marshall carefully follows the wording of the biblical text and does a fine job of tracing the argument of the letters, naturally interweaving insightful reflection. However, TGC readers should note Marshall’s Arminian standpoint leads him to the conviction that a Christian can apostatize and forfeit salvation. [Full Review]
G Ware G Ware April 11, 2016
I. Howard Marshall is always someone you can count on to produce a top-notch commentary. This one on the Johannine Epistles is a fine example of commentary which is useful on all sorts of levels. The NICNT format allows for in depth scholarly research to be presented, but not in a way which bogs down the commentary for pastors and lay readers. Much of the technical data is moved to footnotes (unlike the WBC for example) making the body smooth, and effective. Though almost 40 years old now, this is still among the best available commentaries on the Johannine epistles.
James Kerns James Kerns April 11, 2013
A solid commentary that handles issues with grace and humility like few commentators do. Positing answers where they are needed, Marshall yet keeps his responses somewhat brief, which is something of a double-edged sword. He takes a backdoor approach to sequence in tackling 2 and 3 John first before diving into 1 John which is commendable. All in all a good commentary done in great style and approach.
Scot McKnight Scot McKnight December 18, 2009
One of evangelicalism's finest scholars, I.H. Marshall, writes good commentaries and has a rock-solid commonsens [Full Review]
John Glynn John Glynn September 20, 2008
Jim Rosscup Jim Rosscup September 20, 2008