Joshua, Judges, Ruth
Joshua, Judges, Ruth

Joshua, Judges, Ruth

in Understanding the Bible Old Testament

by J. Gordon Harris, Cheryl A. Brown, and Michael S. Moore

4.25 Rank Score: 4.33 from 2 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Pages 416
Publisher Hendrickson
Published 1/1/2000
ISBN-13 9781565632141

Inner Books

This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently


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Neil Short Neil Short October 31, 2022
J. Gordon Harris' notes on Joshua were a delight to read. It is a brief commentary but the pase is just right for a short sermon series on Joshua. Missing is any useful discussion on how to treat all the bruitality in the book—for a modern church audience.
R. Hansen R. Hansen September 24, 2008
At this point I have just read Cheryl Brown's section on Judges. This is a good commentary given the space constraints she had to work with for this series, but I often found myself wishing she had more room to elaborate. If you are looking for a short and simple commentary to understand Judges this may be a good choice, but both Davis and Wilcox are just as cheap and I think better. If you happen to have it, it is worth consulting to supplement other interpretations.