

in Understanding the Bible New Testament

by James R. Edwards

3.67 Rank Score: 3.81 from 3 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 4 user libraries
Pages 416
Publisher Hendrickson
Published 1/1/1992
ISBN-13 9780943575346


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Andrzej Stelmasiak Andrzej Stelmasiak November 6, 2015
Very good commentary, doesn't waste too much time on discussing odd ideas, goes straight to the point. I wouldn't mark him above Charles Hodge's or John Murray's commentaries but it is good and solid - I agree with everything Stephen Hess said below.
Stephen Hess Stephen Hess March 2, 2010
Excellent commentary for both pastors and laypeople. Edwards focuses on the message and theology of Romans so pastors will find this volume incredibly helpful for sermon preparation. Yet the volume is also accessible enough for a layperson who is interested in studying Romans to benefit from it. Not all of the NIBCNT volumes are great but this one is well worth the price. If you liked Edwards' Mark commentary in the Pillar series, you will enjoy this one as well. His work should be on every pastor's shelf.