

in Understanding the Bible New Testament

by David J. Williams

2.75 Rank Score: 2.95 from 2 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 8 user libraries
Pages 512
Publisher Hendrickson
Published 1/1/1990
ISBN-13 9780943575209


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John Philip John Philip May 6, 2010
Seldom find anything which isn't covered elsewhere. Don't get the feeling its a bit of a compilation of other commentaries. It ok -- just not essential in my preparation.
Mark Heath Mark Heath July 14, 2008
This commentary on Acts seemed to fall through the gaps. It is not devotional or expositional enough to be first choice for a pastor, nor technical enough for detailed study. It is however a good source for a straightforward explanation of the text along with the necessary filling in of historical and geographical context. Williams doesn't engage in much theological discussion, but does step up to defend Luke's integrity as a historian in several places. [Full Review]