Haggai and Malachi
Haggai and Malachi

Haggai and Malachi

in New American Commentary

by Richard A. Taylor and E. Ray Clendenen

4.94 Rank Score: 6.42 from 9 reviews, 5 featured collections, and 20 user libraries
Pages 400
Publisher Broadman & Holman
Published 1/1/2004
ISBN-13 9780805401219


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PastorTimothy72 PastorTimothy72 July 27, 2021
I have become a collector of commentaries ever since my seminary days in the 1990s. As such, I am only going to recommend the best overall commentary for each book of the Bible on this site. (Before each minor prophet recommendation, let me first say that every preacher/teacher should have a copy of James Montgomery Boice's two volume set on the Minor Prophets on his/her bookshelf. That's the starting point, in my opinion). Boice on Haggai is definitely indispensable, in my opinion, but Taylor in the NAC is remarkably thorough and helpful -- and Clendenen on Malachi is also quite good.
John Glynn John Glynn September 20, 2008
John Glynn John Glynn September 20, 2008
Brian LeStourgeon Brian LeStourgeon July 29, 2008
Evangelical, useful expositions. Verhoef (NICOT, 1987) is also good (especially on Haggai), but more academic.
Detailed conservative Evangelical exposition. Premillennial. [Full Review]
Dallas Baptist University Dallas, TX 76044 This latest work in the New American Commentary series is designed for both the laity as well as the pastor. The present volume continues in the familiar format of the NAC. Two fundamental goals for this series are interpretation and application of the biblical text. Since the editors do not attempt to produce a critical commentary the likes of Hermeneia, the reader will find very little technical textual discussions in the body of the text. Rather, the reader is treated to sound biblical exposition. In keeping with the series mandate, the authors base their commentary on the New International Version. I presume that the reason the authors did not include Zechariah is that this book will be dealt with in a forthcoming commentary. Taylor and Clendenen deliver clear exegesis on Haggai and Malachi, respectively. The authors carry out their task with clarity and thoughtfulness within the parameters of the bounds of conservative Protestant tradition. Taylor’s previous works include The Peshitta of Daniel, which is a refinement of his doctoral dissertation, “An Analysis of the Syriac Text of the Book of Daniel.” This dissertation was completed at the Catholic University of America under the direction of Sidney H. Griffith. Currently Taylor is both professor of Old Testament studies and director of Ph.D. studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. [Full Review]