Jeremiah, Lamentations
Jeremiah, Lamentations

Jeremiah, Lamentations

in New American Commentary

by F. B. Huey

4.58 Rank Score: 5.74 from 12 reviews, 2 featured collections, and 20 user libraries
Pages 512
Publisher Broadman & Holman
Published 1/1/1993
ISBN-13 9780805401165


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Huey’s commentary mines the depths Lamentations. Balancing poetic analysis with canonical connections and theological insights, the book will prove a helpful guide to this challenging book. [Full Review]
Robert N Houston Robert N Houston January 8, 2023
Excellent. Rightly credits other authors. But Huey's ability to summarize and explain are tremendous. And Huey's personal "voice" is warm and engaging. Highly recommended.
Zach Olson Zach Olson February 10, 2021
I did enjoy this commentary while going through Lamentations. I did not use it for Jeremiah, so keep that in mind for my review. It did feel a bit like Lamentations was an aside in comparison to his commentary on Jeremiah. It did raise some helpful insights and elements helpful for sermon content in Lamentations.
John Glynn John Glynn September 20, 2008
John Glynn John Glynn September 20, 2008
Jim Rosscup Jim Rosscup September 20, 2008
Jim Rosscup Jim Rosscup September 20, 2008
Brian LeStourgeon Brian LeStourgeon July 29, 2008
Huey is a good reference volume with an eye toward exposition of individual passages. Scalise may produce a replacement volume for NICOT. Get Huey until Scalise appears.