1, 2 Chronicles
1, 2 Chronicles

1, 2 Chronicles

in New American Commentary

by John A. Thompson

4.4 Rank Score: 5.1 from 5 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 18 user libraries
Pages 411
Publisher Broadman & Holman
Published 1/1/1994
ISBN-13 9780805401097


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First Last First Last September 15, 2014
This volume, especially the introductory material, was the most helpful mid-level commentary I have had the privilege of reading. Not overwhelming, yet not simplistic. The 45 pages of intro unlock the entire book for the reader, showing the Divine purpose for even the nine chapters of genealogies that the reader might have otherwise thought dry.
Jim Rosscup Jim Rosscup September 20, 2008
Evangelical aprreciation of the books as historically reliable. [Full Review]