Joel and Obadiah: A Mentor Commentary
In this book you discover the theme of Joel: The day of Yahweh. You will also discover more about who one to whom the day belongs to - Yahweh.
The people were facing devastating calamity and Joel calls the society to repent in order that they might escape this judgment and once again enjoy mercy and favour of Yahweh. Obadiah also focuses on the dual aspects of the theme both that there is Judgement and that blessing.
Mentor commentaries retain a high view of scripture whilst interacting with other research from differing theological viewpoints.
The people were facing devastating calamity and Joel calls the society to repent in order that they might escape this judgment and once again enjoy mercy and favour of Yahweh. Obadiah also focuses on the dual aspects of the theme both that there is Judgement and that blessing.
Mentor commentaries retain a high view of scripture whilst interacting with other research from differing theological viewpoints.
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Best Exegetical Commentaries by Jim Rosscup
- Basic Library Booklist by Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
I have become a collector of commentaries ever since my seminary days in the 1990s. As such, I am only going to recommend the best overall commentary for each book of the Bible on this site. (Before each minor prophet recommendation, let me first say that every preacher/teacher should have a copy of James Montgomery Boice's two volume set on the Minor Prophets on his/her bookshelf. That's the starting point, in my opinion). For Obadiah specifically, for the preacher/teacher, I gravitate toward Busenitz. He provides a strong balance between some technical or scholarly insights that prove helpful while drawing out appropriate points for application as well.
Busenitz's commentary on Obadiah in the Mentor series is a very clear and helpful contribution to the field. It is thorough yet accessible.
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