in IVP New Testament Commentary
InterVarsity Press
Premillenial, not terrible but certainly my least favorite of the five I read together. Found myself scratching my head at some conclusions and he does all but explicitly affirm annihilationism, saying "it can't be ruled out" in 20:11-15, completely ignoring 20:10, that those in the lake of fire "will be tormented day and night forever and ever". Takes issue with gender-exclusive language in ch. 21 despite it being the clear rendering of the Greek. Again, I don't regret having read it, actually his comments on the epilogue were among the best, but would certainly recommend either Morris (TNTC) or A.Johnson (EBC) first for the easiest intro commentary.
One thing I must say for this commentary and the series, is that I truly appreciate the attempt to match attitudes with meaning of passages. Far too many 'cold facts' commentaries today.
A pleasant surprise. I bought the whole set, but didn't expect much from a small introductory work on Revelation. The complex nature of that book makes me skeptical of all attempts to do a commentary like this. But Michaels does an impeccable job of making a difficult book more understandable for a broad audience.