Colossians & Philemon
Colossians & Philemon

Colossians & Philemon

in IVP New Testament Commentary

by Robert W. Wall

3 Rank Score: 3.14 from 2 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 5 user libraries
Pages 225
Publisher InterVarsity Press
Published 1/1/1993
ISBN-13 9780830818129


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G Ware G Ware February 22, 2018
If all you need/want is a general introduction to Colossians this will do, but it's not going to give you anything you can't get elsewhere in other intro or pastoral commentaries. The Philemon section is pretty underwhelming. Garland's NIVAC or Bird's NCCS would be a better option if you want a non-technical commentary.
R. Hansen R. Hansen February 21, 2009
This is a good commentary, but there are better ones out there. I consulted this often, but rarely came away with new insights that I had not found in other commentaries.