

in IVP New Testament Commentary

by William J. Larkin, Jr

4.33 Rank Score: 4.69 from 3 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 6 user libraries
Pages 422
Publisher IVP Academic
Published 11/1/1995
ISBN-13 9780830818051
William Larkin's study on the Book of Acts is part of the IVP New Testament Commentary Series, a series which combines pastoral concerns with attention to tough exegetical issues and emphasizes the significance of the biblical text for today's church.


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G Ware G Ware April 8, 2016
It's good for what it is; an intro level non technical commentary. Because of the scope of the series, an awful lot has to be left out. But for a bible study leader or pastor with time constraints, it'll serve its purpose well.
John Glynn John Glynn September 20, 2008