

in IVP New Testament Commentary

by Darrell L. Bock

4.17 Rank Score: 4.97 from 9 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 10 user libraries
Pages 412
Publisher InterVarsity Press
Published 1/1/1995
ISBN-13 9780830818037


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Bock’s volume provides basic exegesis that summarizes the fuller comments in his massive BECNT volume (see below). It will benefit Bible teachers because it’s well-outlined with key principles, exposition, and application. [Full Review]
BRathbun BRathbun October 14, 2019
As should be expected. Fulfills the aim of the series. Relevant contemporary discussion at an introductory level with minimal technical rabbit trails. Even if one disagrees with Bock, they are never left wondering how he gets to his chosen route of interpretation. Conservative. Bock's expertise is the Historical Jesus and particularly the gospel of Luke.
G Ware G Ware May 27, 2016
Given the fact that Bock has written multiple commentaries on Luke at differing levels of depth, I'm not sure this one was needed. Covering Luke in detail requires either a large page count, or a really brilliant and effective condensing. This one isn't that. It's just too sparse to be effective.
R. Hansen R. Hansen September 28, 2008
I was very disappointed in this commentary. This is the only one I have read by Bock and it has kept me back from buying his larger ones (cost is another reason holding me back). To be fair, I have read 3 or 4 other reviews in different places that expressed great disappointment in this commentary only to go on and say that Bock's larger commentaries were the best by far on the book of Luke. I mention this just to say that if you are like me and sometimes by an author's cheaper commentary instead of the larger expensive one, in this case you might want to shell out the extra bucks.
Derek W. H. Thomas Derek W. H. Thomas September 20, 2008
A smaller version of [his BECNT work].
Jim Rosscup Jim Rosscup September 20, 2008
Unattributed-m Unattributed-m May 26, 2008