

in Interpretation

by Charles B. Cousar

3.5 Rank Score: 3.7 from 2 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 3 user libraries
Pages 158
Publisher Westminster John Knox
Published 1/1/1986
ISBN-13 9780804231381


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A.E. Carnehl A.E. Carnehl August 21, 2014
Cousar's Galatians commentary is solid. It is definitely one of my favorites of WJK's Interpretation series. It is succinct without being general, deals with all the major issues, and offers a wealth of homiletical insight.
Marcus Maher Marcus Maher January 20, 2013
Overall I thought Cousar's commentary was adequate. Occasionally he had insight that I didn't find in other commentaries (it seems to be largely ignored by recent commentators), though on the whole I don't think it added a lot that I could not have gotten elsewhere. In the portions I read his explanation was fairly traditional and as it was written more than twenty-five years ago, one does feel some distance from the author at times. I personally would recommend dropping the extra money for Hays before electing for Cousar, though it's certainly not a bad commentary. [Full Review]