

in Interpretation

by Lamar Williamson

4 Rank Score: 4.18 from 2 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 3 user libraries
Pages 300
Publisher Westminster John Knox
Published 1/1/1983
ISBN-13 9780804231213


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A.E. Carnehl A.E. Carnehl December 11, 2014
I find Lamar Williamson's homiletical/pastoral commentary on Mark to be incredibly helpful. He wrestles with the text in a very honest way that you don't find in commentaries that merely seek to explain the logic of a passage. His conclusions are often open ended and though provoking. I had to preach on Mark 11 (triumphal entry) for Advent I and Williamson opened my eyes to the passage in a very deep way that other Mark commentaries did not come close to doing. For preaching and teaching, this commentary is solid.
John Dyer John Dyer July 15, 2008
This work is not bad, but there is nothing particularly noteworthy about it. Brooks work in the NAC is much better for the pastoral level.