

in Interpretation

by Joseph Blenkinsopp

4.33 Rank Score: 4.73 from 3 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 9 user libraries
Pages 242
Publisher Westminster John Knox
Published 1/1/1990
ISBN-13 9780804231183


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G Ware G Ware May 17, 2018
At less the 250 pages, one wouldn't think anyone could possibly provide sufficient detail on a book the size of Ezekiel to be much help for anything, but this is incredibly good; a fine pastoral focused commentary. Blenkinsopp is a Roman Catholic critical scholar, who usually writes for a more scholarly audience, but here he condenses extensive knowledge and research into something to make a very strange book preachable.
An effort by a critical scholar to judiciously utilize scholarship for preaching concerns. [Full Review]