Isaiah 1-39
Isaiah 1-39

Isaiah 1-39

in Interpretation

by Christopher R. Seitz

4.5 Rank Score: 4.78 from 2 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 4 user libraries
Pages 271
Publisher Westminster John Knox
Published 1/1/1993
ISBN-13 9780804231312


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Matt Quintana Matt Quintana September 7, 2021
This is a phenomenal commentary on the complexities and riches of Isaiah 1–39. Combining rigorous and astute exegesis with penetrating theological reflection, Seitz's work is concise yet substantive; accessible yet insightful. While abreast of critical scholarship and technical discussion, Seitz helpfully keeps his primary focus on the canonical form of the book of Isaiah, the authoritative text of the community of faith. In keeping with the aim of the Interpretation commentary series, Seitz's contribution will be of great help to the pastor or teacher of Isaiah, and is accesible to those even without an academic background. I have found this commentary to be one of the most helpful works on Isaiah 1–39 and would strongly commend it to all preachers, teachers, and laity interested in serious study of the book of Isaiah.

N.B. Though Seitz himself is not to blame for this, my one complaint is that this author did not also write the volume on Isaiah 40–66 in the same series—which is especially unfortunate in light of the low-quality of that volume.
Exposition that is sensitive to literary issues, designed to be an aid for teaching and preaching. [Full Review]