The Book of Isaiah
The Book of Isaiah

The Book of Isaiah

by Edward J. Young

4.3 Rank Score: 4.88 from 5 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 8 user libraries
Pages 1729
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 1/1/1992
ISBN-13 9780802805959


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Tim Challies Tim Challies January 6, 2014
While this set is no longer part of the NICOT, it is still regarded as one of the finest commentaries on Isaiah. While the commentators on the commentaries note that Young’s writing can be tedious at times, the volumes are commended for their sound exegesis and their firmly evangelical theology. The volumes are now sold together as a three-book set. The price is a bit on the high side, but it will prove worth the cost, I am sure. [Full Review]
Edward J. Young was one of the founding faculty at Westminster Theological Seminary and taught Old Testament there for many years. His massive three-volume commentary on Isaiah is something of a modern classic among Reformed students of Scripture. It has been replaced in the NICOT series by the fine work of Oswalt, but it should not be relegated to the dust bin. There is much of value in these volumes. [Full Review]
Jim Rosscup Jim Rosscup September 20, 2008
A standard of an earlier generation. Amillennial. Evangelical. [Full Review]