The Song of Songs
in Hermeneia
Fortress Press
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Recommended OT Commentaries by Denver Seminary Journal
- Favorite Advanced OT Commentaries by Jeremy Pierce (parableman)
- Old Testament Advanced Commentaries by Moore Theological College Journal: Societas
- TGC: Scholarly Commentaries by The Gospel Coalition
Murphy gives attention to the hermeneutical principles Jewish and Christian interpreters have employed when interpreting the Song throughout history. As Longman observes writes, “Murphy provides an excellent critical reading of the text. He emphasizes its final form and is concerned with theological issues.”
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I was surprised to find that the introduction was roughly half of the overall page count. Of course, the history of interpretation of SoS is complicated and worth exploring in depth. The intent of the series is a more technical examination of text, with less emphasis on theological exposition, so this volume is a bit light (but not entirely lacking) with regard to theological meaning of the text.
The strength of the commentary is the introduction. It's thorough enough without being tediously exhaustive, and like Exum he is a very good writer. The commentary proper is detailed on grammatical and lexical issues. It's a bit sparse at times on interpretive matters. I wish he would have fleshed out his views a little more fully at times. Like Fox, Murphy is a creative thinker and while that occasionally leads to the adoption of unlikely positions, reading interesting ideas is a boon to ones own thinking. Murphy's commentary is the best technical commentary on the Song.
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A thorough commentary with theological as well as exegetical insight.
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