Hebrews through Revelation
Hebrews through Revelation


in Expositor's Bible Commentary

by Alan F. Johnson

4.67 Rank Score: 4.85 from 3 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Pages 624 pages
Publisher Zondervan
Published 2/6/1982
ISBN-13 9780310365402


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BRathbun BRathbun January 18, 2021
Pre-millenial. I bought this book for the commentary on Hebrews by Leon Morris, but I must say I'm glad to have read Alan Johnson on Revelation. He was the only one I read that consistently referred to the early church fathers views. As well, I often appreciated his conciseness, candidness and clarity. I now look forward to reading his 1 Cor. commentary I have. Great for the intro level reader. Right at 200 pages
John Glynn John Glynn September 20, 2008