in Expositor's Bible Commentary
1264 pages
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Tremper Longman's 5-Star Commentaries by Tremper Longman III
- Best Exegetical Commentaries by Jim Rosscup
- Building an OT Commentary Library by Invitation to Biblical Interpretation (Kostenberger & Patterson)
The EBC contribution is by Willem VanGemeren. This commentary is packaged with commentaries by other authors on Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs. VanGemeren's work takes up most of the volume, however, and this commentary is worth the price of the whole volume. I think Ross on Proverbs is pretty good as well. VanGemeren is at his best when sticking close to the Hebrew text, and this commentary is stronger on close exegesis than many in this series. VanGemeren is especially good when treating the Hebrew language. This whole series is being revised and/or replaced, but it may be a while before the OT volumes are done. VanGemeren's revised commentary will occupy a whole volume when it's done. Out of the conservative evangelical commentaries, this is one of the best. I much prefer Wilson, but his isn't complete. VanGemeren has more depth than most of the others in this category, and it's much more recent than the other one I consider to be as good, which is Derek Kidner's TOTC.
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It may appear that a commentary on the book of Psalms that is bound together in a volume that covers Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs as well would not have enough space to be worthwhile. In the case of VanGemeren's commentary on Psalms, such an assumption would be a terrible mistake. His commentary takes up 880 pages out of a total of 1245 (a little more than two-thirds of the whole). Along with Carson's commentary on Matthew, it is one of the two or three best commentaries in the Expositor's Bible Commentary. It is certainly the most helpful commentary on the Psalms that I have yet read. For each Psalm, VanGemeren provides a substantive introduction followed by expository comments and textual notes on every verse. In many cases, these comments are then followed by an Appendix dealing more fully with some important issue in that particular Psalm. I cannot recommend this commentary highly enough. It should be used by every student of Scripture. [A thoroughly expanded and revised version (1024 pages) of the commentary is due to be published on December 1, 2008].
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