The Message of Hosea
The Message of Hosea

The Message of Hosea

in Bible Speaks Today

by Derek Kidner

4.33 Rank Score: 4.81 from 3 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 9 user libraries
Pages 142
Publisher InterVarsity Press
Published 1/1/1991
ISBN-13 9780877842903


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Derek Kidner's BST (1981) is a nice, brief exposition of the book. Kidner has proved his insight in his many commentaries in the TOTC and BST series (including Genesis, Ezra-Nehemiah, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Jeremiah), and this book is no exception to his excellent work. Its very low price makes it an easy purchase for use alongside more in-depth works. Some of the historical issues that he can't cover as well in the exposition end up in appendices. [Full Review]
As I have mentioned in previous posts, students of Scripture should read anything they can by Derek Kidner. His commentaries are models for what introductory level commentaries should be. His commentary on Hosea is no exception. It is a helpful introductory level commentary that should be of use to a wide variety of readers. [Full Review]