The Message of Ecclesiastes
The Message of Ecclesiastes

The Message of Ecclesiastes

in Bible Speaks Today

by Derek Kidner

5 Rank Score: 5.5 from 3 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 10 user libraries
Pages 110
Publisher InterVarsity Press
Published 1/1/1991
ISBN-13 9780877842866


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Tim Challies Tim Challies November 18, 2013
Ecclesiastes is a book that lends itself to varied interpretations. Kidner is one of my favorite commentators and I was glad to see that his commentary rated near the top for most of the experts. Jim Rosscup calls this a “lively, popular exposition of Ecclesiastes that relates the message, accurately given, to life today.” Written at a popular-level, this one will be suitable for general readers and pastors alike. [Full Review]
Derek Kidner's commentaries are always helpful, and since one of his areas of expertise is Old Testament Wisdom Literature, his commentary on Ecclesiastes is one of his best. It is a popular level work, accessible to any reader, yet it still contains profound insight and application. Highly recommended. [Full Review]