The Message of Judges
The Message of Judges

The Message of Judges

in Bible Speaks Today

by Michael Wilcock

4.73 Rank Score: 5.25 from 4 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 5 user libraries
Pages 175
Publisher InterVarsity Press
Published 1/1/1992
ISBN-13 9780830812325


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Tim Challies Tim Challies May 6, 2013
The Bible Speaks Today series is one of my favorite “easy-to-read” series and I find it equally helpful for devotional reading and sermon preparation. This volume may not have an abundance of technical commentary, but will apparently be especially helpful for those who are reading devotionally and seeking to meditate on Scripture while drawing personal application. [Full Review]
R. Hansen R. Hansen September 24, 2008
Excellent easy to read commentary. This is my favorite commentary on the book of Judges. True to the series it is in, it provides good scholarly interpretation but also seeks to think through the implications of the issues raised in the book for us today. Though the serious student may want to supplement this one with Block to get a more verse commentary, the pastor or student who is just looking to understand the text better and it implications for today should start here (or Davis).
Wilcock's introductory level commentary on Judges is a helpful and practical exposition of the text. Preachers and teachers will find much of value within. [Full Review]