The Message of Deuteronomy
The Message of Deuteronomy

The Message of Deuteronomy

in Bible Speaks Today

by Raymond Brown

3 Rank Score: 3.1 from 3 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Pages 331
Publisher InterVarsity Press
Published 1/1/1993
ISBN-13 9780830812349


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JD JD May 10, 2017
I didn't find this book particularly helpful for my purposes. I suppose it could be useful as a devotional read, but as far as engaging the text itself, the content was lacking. Brown doesn't really dive deeply into much; he seems to be more interested in dividing up the text into different sections and finding an overarching theme for each part.
Very good explanation of the text, although not entirely Christocentric - you'll have to do it for yourself, Andrew Stewart or Christopher Wright are better on this aspect.
A.E. Carnehl A.E. Carnehl August 22, 2014
This was a disappointment to me. I realize that the Bible Speaks Today series is supposed to be devotional/pastoral, but it didn't offer any original insights or preaching ideas to me. I prefer the Interpretation volume on Deuteronomy and recommend that one if a non-technical, pastoral commentary is desired.