

in Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament

by Thomas R. Schreiner

4.82 Rank Score: 7.52 from 18 reviews, 7 featured collections, and 34 user libraries
Pages 944
Publisher Baker Academic
Published 1/1/1998
ISBN-13 9780801021497


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Sergio Castrillón Sergio Castrillón December 8, 2020
(The 2nd edition) is a must-have on any serious Bible student's shelf. His insights on many complex texts are deep yet readable.
Robert M. Bowman Jr. Robert M. Bowman Jr. December 11, 2016
Evangelical exegetical and theological commentary that is critical of the approach taken by Dunn and other scholars. [Full Review]
Kevin Kevin October 21, 2016
My first BEC commentary and subsequent books from this series continue the trend in Pastoral and Technical content. I am very pleased with how engaging the material is.
Slinger Slinger February 20, 2015
Very good.
Tim Challies Tim Challies April 29, 2013
Several commentators on the commentaries seem to treat Moo, Murray and Schreiner as a team or trio. For example, Derek Thomas says, “Coupled with Murray on the one hand and Moo on the other, you will gain a firm exegetical and theological grasp of a text.” Jim Rosscup praises it as “close to the best among recent and all-time thorough works for scholars and more seriously capable lay people.” [Full Review]
Phillip J. Long Phillip J. Long June 4, 2012
Like most of the Baker Exegetical series, Schreiner’s commentary is aimed at the busy pastor and layman. He states in his preface that he intends the commentary to be “meaty,” but not so dense that reading distracts from Paul’s own words. With respect to “new perspective” issues, this commentary is decidedly traditional. Schreiner in fact dedicates the book to John Piper. But this does not mean that the commentary is a parroting of Calvin or Reformed theology. Schreiner carefully weighs the sometimes dense syntax in order to develop Paul’s thought. In the section on Romans 5:12 (“in whom all sinned”) he develops the a number of views on the difficult phrase yet settles on a more or less reformed view of the text (original sin, imputation). [Full Review]
Dani Suciu Dani Suciu October 31, 2008
This commentary is a treasure for pastors! Eventhough it is not easy to find particular verses in it and you would have to have a bit of patience to read an entire explanation for a specific matter, you won't be dissapointed with the views that dr. Schriner is taking. His deep love for the glory of God empowered him to write a great commentary!
Derek W. H. Thomas Derek W. H. Thomas September 20, 2008
Coupled with Murray on the one hand and Moo on the other, you will gain a firm exegetical and theological grasp of a text. Note that since his commentary, Schreiner has changed his view from seeing righteousness as 'transformative' to 'forensic,' see Paul: Apostle of God's Glory in Christ (Downers Grove; IVP, 2001), p. 192.n2.
John Glynn John Glynn September 20, 2008
Jim Rosscup Jim Rosscup September 20, 2008
Schreiner, Professor of New Testament Interpretation at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, is known for his earlier works on Pauline thought. The series in which he writes aims to provide, within the framework of informed evangelical thought, commentaries that blend scholarly depth with readability, exegetical detail with sensitivity to the whole, and attention to critical problems with theological awareness. These volumes have as a major purpose to address the needs of pastors and others involved in the preaching and exposition of the Scriptures as the uniquely inspired Word of God. Contributors share a belief in the trustworthiness and essential unity of Scripture and consider the ecumenical creeds and the Protestant Reformation a proper framework for ongoing interpretation. How does Schreiner's reading fit this framework? The central theme that permeates Romans is the glory of God. Paul's goal is to unify the Roman church and rally them around his gospel so they will help him to bring the gospel to Spain. Support from the Roman congregations would be gained only if Paul could demonstrate to them the truth of his gospel. By "the righteousness of God" Paul meant both a righteousness from God (=the believer's status before God resulting from God's declaration) and God's saving power. God's righteousness is both forensic and transformative. God's declaration is effective, so that those pronounced righteous are also transformed by God's grace. So Rom 6:7 refers to a declaration that really frees people from sin and 5:19 means people are actually made righteous. God's wrath is a part of God's righteousness. God's wrath is personal but it is not arbitrary or capricious anger. Paul does not speak about the faith of Christ but rather about faith in Christ. [Full Review]