Ezekiel, Daniel
Ezekiel, Daniel
Special Study

Ezekiel, Daniel

in Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

by eds. Stevenson, Kenneth; Glerup, Michael

Rank Score: 4.12 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 377
Publisher InterVarsity Press
Published 1/1/2008
ISBN-13 9780830814831
Over forty church fathers are cited in the commentary on Ezekiel, some of whom are here translated into English for the first time. But pride of place goes to four significant extant works: the homilies of Origen and Gregory the Great, and the commentaries of Jerome and Theodoret of Cyr, thus bridging East and West, North and South.A similar array of fathers are found within the commentary on Daniel. Extensive comments derive from the works of Theodoret of Cyr, Hippolytus, Jerome and Isho'dad of Merv and provide a wealth of insight. Valuable commentary attributed to Ephrem the Syrian and John Chrysostom is also found here, though the authorship of these commentaries is indeed questioned.Market/AudienceReaders of the ACCS seriesPastorsStudentsScholarsFeatures and BenefitsMakes accessible early Christian commentary on Ezekiel and DanielCovers the period from Clement of Rome (second century) to John of Damascus (mid-eighth century)Illuminates Scripture in the light of classic and consensual Christian faithInforms postcritical Christian reading and exposition of Ezekiel and DanielIncludes the RSV text


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