Leviticus 1–16
Leviticus 1–16
Leviticus 1–16


in Anchor Yale Bible

by Jacob Milgrom

4.75 Rank Score: 6.81 from 12 reviews, 8 featured collections, and 11 user libraries
Leviticus 1–16
Pages 1184
Publisher Yale University Press
Published 1/1/1998
ISBN-13 9780300139402
Leviticus 17–22
Pages 656
Publisher Yale University Press
Published 1/1/2000
ISBN-13 9780300140569
Leviticus 23–27
Pages 848
Publisher Yale University Press
Published 1/1/2001
ISBN-13 9780300139419


This book appears in the following featured collections.


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Milgrom has three separate volumes on Leviticus in the AB series, Leviticus 1–16 (2007), Leviticus 17–22 (2000), and Leviticus 23–27 (2001). These titles represent the pinnacle of technical scholarship for this book, and stand alone. Milgrom makes good use of contributions from anthropology and religious studies, particularly in his discussion of the systemic nature of the purity laws. [Full Review]
Jacob Milgrom is a Jewish scholar who has spent a lifetime studying Leviticus.
John Glynn John Glynn September 20, 2008
Jim Rosscup Jim Rosscup September 20, 2008
Jacob Milgrom has authored one of the most significant commentaries on any biblical book of our time. His Anchor Bible work takes up three large tomes (1991, 2000, 2001), with more detail than anyone should probably need on most issues. He's one of the foremost Pentateuch scholars in history, and no student or scholar should miss out on this work. He does both source criticism and final-form interpretation, with more emphasis on the latter. His source-critical views are much more conservative than the academic orthodoxy has held, e.g. he places P much earlier than the usual dating. There's also lot of history of interpretation in here, particularly with medieval Jewish sources. I consider this the most important scholarly commentary on Leviticus, and I suspect it will remain so for some time. I'm less confident that it will be helpful to those whose commentary use is primarily for teaching the Bible to those with no scholarly training, but it might prove a good reference work even if it's much too detailed for a busy expositor to wade through more carefully. [Full Review]
The fruit of a life time of study by a major biblical scholar, this work provides the most detailed and thorough exegesis available, with full reference to comparative ancient Near Eastern, Qumran, Dead Sea Scroll, and Rabbinic sources. [Full Review]