Song of Songs and Lamentations
Song of Songs and Lamentations

Song of Songs and Lamentations

in Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary

by Nancy C. Lee

Rank Score: 4.1 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 528
Publisher Smyth & Helwys
Published 5/8/2024
ISBN-13 978-1-64173-445-5
In this biblical commentary on the Song of Songs and Lamentations, Nancy C. Lee presents a thorough analysis of these poetic books, with special attention to their gendered voices. She identifies a signature feature of female Hebraic composing in these books and in other biblical texts. The volume includes numerous examples of historic and contemporary expressions of love poetry and lament lyrics, from contexts of human suffering with concerns for social justice across many cultures.


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